User Guide


Add your tasks

You can add the following tasks!

Complete tasks

You can mark each task as complete!

Delete tasks

You can delete tasks from your Duke!

List all your tasks

You can list all your tasks to get an overview of what you have to do!

Find your tasks

With a keyword, you can search which of your tasks contain the keyword.

Automatically saves all of your tasks

It is saved in a file named tasks.txt in your home directory.

See usage of each feature down below


todo - Adds a Todo task

Add todo task

deadline - Adds a Deadline task

Add deadline task

event - Adds an Event task

Add event task

list - Lists all tasks


done - Marks a task as done

done index

done all

delete - Deletes a task

delete index

delete all

find - Finds a task with a given keyword


undo - Undoes the last command

redo - Redoes the last undone command

bye - Exits the program